Ever felt like you are in a virtual thrift store while scrolling through Craigslist. It’s just like a garage sales, only without the smell of books. It’s probably time to revamp your ad. Let’s spice it up! how to delete a craigslist posting!
Consider the headline. Your headline is the first thing people will see, so it should be memorable. You could try “Comfy Couch Wanting New Home” rather than “Sofa for Sale.” This is like speed dating: you have only seconds to catch someone’s eye.
The description is next. Imagine that you’re having coffee with a good friend. What adjectives would you use to describe this couch? You could say, “This couch is a veteran of many movie marathons and Sunday napping.” It has personality! Draw a picture of the home that connects with potential buyers.
Photographs are the gold standard. They are your silent sales force. Shoot from multiple angles. Front, back or even side-toside, if you need to! Natural light is the best friend; it will make everything more appealing than dark photos.
Pricing can sometimes be tricky. You don’t have to go overboard with your price or you will scare off potential buyers. Consider similar listings and compare them to the price you are asking.
What is it that you always hear when people say “honesty, the best form of policy”? The same is true in this case! Be up front about any flaws and quirks of your item. Is there a scratch on this table? Mention that! Transparency is valued and people are loyal.
Craigslist advertisements are no exception. Post during times that people are more likely to browse: weekends or evenings usually work. You can also try a mid-morning post on a Tuesday, if that’s what you feel like.
Answering inquiries promptly shows that you’re serious and it’s simply good manners. You don’t want to make people wait forever for a reply that seems like it came via carrier-pigeon.
Don’t be afraid to use a variety of words and phrases. Nobody wants War and Peace on their screen when they are searching for used furniture. You can add humor, if that suits you. People love a good laugh while online shopping.
And those spammy e-mails? Avoid sounding like a spammer by keeping the jargon away and being straight about what you offer, without resorting to “infomercial” lingo.
Use professional posting service if everything else fails. If tech is not your thing, they can make an ad look great without making you sweat.
Here you go, a crash-course in how to spruce-up your Craigslist ad so that it shines brighter than the silverware on grandma’s table at Thanksgiving Dinner! Go forth and post confidently–you can do this!